Registered Psychotherapist

Area of Focus

Relationship Challenges and Communication Skills Coaching, Administration, Burnout and Work-Related Stress; Life Transitions and Adjustment Stress, Anxiety, OCD.

Therapeutic Competencies
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) for anxiety disorders and OCD; Exposure Response Prevention (ERP for OCD), Motivational Interviewing (MI), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), and Mindfulness.

Virtual Only on Mondays and Tuesdays and in-person appointments on Wednesdays and Thursdays.

Favourite Recovery Quote
"A complete mastery of existence achieved at one moment gives no warrant that it will be sustained or achieved again in the next." George Santayana

Treatment Philosophy
I want to work with you to increase your appetite for life, your sense of purpose, pleasure and possibility. Ironically, we are most intimidated by the things that most sustain us, whether striving for personal success or more meaningful relationships. Learning how to take ourselves and our needs seriously, the psychotherapist Adam Phillips writes, requires three things of us: “involve other people, make good on our losses, and enjoy (or at least tolerate) conflict.” None of this is as easy as it may sound. The ways we try to protect ourselves—from others, from loss, from threat—are also often the ways we hold ourselves back. Counselling can offer invaluable support when individuals struggle with life’s inevitable ups and downs—and we all struggle at one time or another. My hope is to provide clients with a safe, respectful, and trusting environment that enables individual exploration of goals and values, improved self-care and compassion, and recognition and recovery of one’s own amazing assets and strengths.

Susan is currently accepting new clients for both in-person and virtual sessions.


Esther Arase, Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)


Julie Foster, Therapist