Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a diagnosis that means you have experienced a traumatic event that has led to changes in the way you think, feel, and behave afterwards in response to the trauma.
The traumatic experience may have been personally experienced, witnessed, or something you learned about another person experiencing.
The symptoms of PTSD fall into the four symptom clusters listed here and include more specific examples of how these symptoms may be experienced by a person living with PTSD:
Symptom Types
Repeated & unwanted memories
Dreams or nightmares of trauma
Physical reaction to reminders
Distressed by reminders of trauma
Avoiding thoughts, memories, or feelings about traum
Avoiding people, places, or situations (conversations, objects, etc. that remind you of trauma
Trouble remembering aspects of the trauma
Strong negative beliefs about self, others, or the world
Persistent blame of self and others
Persistent negative mood
Loss of interest in meaningful or important activities
Feeling detached or estranged from others
Inability to experience positive emotions
Irritable & Angry outbursts
Acting reckless or self-destructive
Hypervigilance (being on guard)
Feeling “jumpy” & easily startled
Problems with concentration
Trouble with sleep